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When you are ready or even if you just have a question, I would love to hear from you.
If you find yourself in a crisis or stuck or confused or just not happy, know that there is a way forward. There is always a way forward.
Or, the crisis has passed and life has returned to normal, even if that means a new kind of normal. What more is there to do? Why rock the boat any further? Let well-enough alone and go one with life.
But the question always comes knocking – What now? Shouldn’t I have gotten something more out of all that? What the hell? What now?
The journey of growth can be invigorating as we heal the hurts, the pains, the scars of the past. You needn't take the journey alone and you will discover in the darkness you may encounter, the gift of light you find there.
You can learn skills, living skills, that will help you navigate the path forward.