●Growth is not linear●
●That which once made us safe eventually becomes our prison and the only way out is to make the conscious choice to grow●
●Growth is our path to freedom and to our positive future●
Why do people fear growth? Why do you fear growth?
Do you think growth is about admonishing yourself? Disciplining yourself? Fixing yourself? What would you say if I told you growth is more about changing than fixing; more about healing than disciplining? How would you feel if I told you growth is a glorious adventure?
Growth is not linear. It isn’t about doing this and then doing that and then doing something else as you trudge your way to growth and change. No. It is expansive and growth grows in all directions. It is all about the mystery and experience of the adventure. There is no – Am I there yet?
We often make decisions and choices when we are young that we feel are necessary to keep us safe and give our lives structure and meaning. We often adopt and hold beliefs and attitudes which we think help us develop and maintain our sense of identity and help us understand ourselves and our lives and, in so doing, keep us safe. Over time those decisions, choices, beliefs and attitudes become hardened and unyielding and imprisoning in that we lose our ability to evaluate and change them if we want to.
What decisions, choices, beliefs and attitudes that you live by are you willing to grow beyond?
Fear and pain are not the only reasons to or methods for growing. Joy and love are much better reasons and methods.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
- Viktor E. Frankl