At Living Skills, we are dedicated to helping you learn practically applicable, cognitive psychological skills to help you begin to improve your life relatively immediately. We offer pragmatic life coaching and counseling; spiritual coaching and counseling; all leading to enhanced and accelerated personal and spiritual development.
My interest in psychology began when I realized in my early teens that with my will and focus, I could move my life, in small ways, in the directions I wanted it to go. But how could I really influence the big things? Where was the manual on making life work? I found that there are skills we can learn, practice, and develop - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - to help us and our life develop into the person we want to become and live more of the kind of life we want to live. And we can heal that which needs healing and move beyond it.
The idea of counseling scares some, intimidates some, or seems like an admission of weakness to some. It really isn’t all that scary. I tend to ask my clients a lot of questions. Why? To help them get in the habit of asking themselves the questions they used to be afraid to ask and were even more afraid to answer. You can learn to find you own answers. You can learn the skills you need, skills for living, that potentially open new worlds to you.
I try to keep it very practical. It is all fine, well and good to analyze and process ourselves into a stupor but after a certain point, what do we do with all that self-analysis? How does all of that help on a practical level?
The truth about personal and spiritual development is this - Where we fear we will find alienation and loneliness on our path, we find help and guidance. Where we fear we will find darkness and doom, we actually find light. Where we fear being stuck in the muck of life, we will find freedom. And along the way, we will discover, develop and have new skills for living and loving life.
Living Skills.