Podcast - The Problem with Humans

The Problem with Humans Podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and Buzzsprout.com, as well as on Overcast, Castro, Castbox, and Podfriend.


Become more and more of an adult. Bring that light to a world that needs it. You will be amazed how it will improve your life.

Adulting sounds like something we are going to get dressed up for and go do. Nothing like a night on the town adulting. Right? The thing is, adulting is something and someone we become and be, not something that we get up and go do.

The concluding segment on how to generate real, solid self-esteem that you can lean on. It can change your life.

Self-esteem is a real need. Meeting our needs is an essential part of self-care.

An important aspect of self-care is about knowing and learning to manage your default reaction setting. We all set a pattern fairly early in life in how we react to the unexpected, both good and bad unexpected. These patterns become default settings.

There is a great deal you can do to prepare yourself for the journey.

How did dating become this complicated?

People's behavior tells you something about them, not about you. You are responsible for monitoring your own dating behavior.

Is there anything more fraught than dating?

“Perfect” used to be reserved and used as a superlative indicating something was exceptional or had surpassed expectations in some way. Now it substitutes for, “OK.”

Attention and affection are both very important needs, but they are different. Be clear as to which you are seeking and why.

Being dramatic and drama are not the same thing.

Like the Hydra, there have been many faces to the impact COVID has had on people.

We all need and want to be liked. In being liked we get positive attention from others and that makes us feel valued and worthwhile. It helps us to feel that we are on equal footing with others.

Dignity is valuing yourself and valuing others.

There is a great deal of attention being paid to gender and gender identity but very little attention being paid to the archetypal masculine and feminine energies within each one of us.

What is the common theme of your fears?

What is self-respect?

Humans have a predilection for silver bullets, magic fixit buttons and gimmicks. Even if you think you’ve found one, they rarely work.

How do you know if you are running anxiety?

Sensuality is about feeling.

Authenticity is not an accessory you can wear nor is it something you can do. You can only be authentic.

You are not a brand. You are a unique, individual, human.

Forgiveness is not letting “them” off the hook. It is letting yourself out of jail.

How do you know if you are making good choices? How can you learn to make better choices?

Cancel culture is ultimately self-defeating. There is an alternative.

So what are you supposed to do with feelings?

How do you know whether you can trust someone?